About Me
Welcome! I’m Chengyuan Ji (季程远), an associate professor at the Department of Comparative Politics, School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
My research interests include political culture and political economy. My work has appeared in Comparative Political Studies, Political Communication, Political Research Quarterly, World Development and other Chinese journals. I received my Ph.D. in political science from Peking University. I am also a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University.
My Google Scholar page
欢迎来到我的个人网站!季程远,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院比较政治系副教授,北京大学政治学博士。研究领域为政治文化和政治经济。论文发表见于《政治学研究》《中国行政管理》《复旦学报》《社会》《经济社会体制比较》《公共行政评论》Comparative Political Studies, Political Communication, Political Research Quarterly, World Development等刊物。
Comparative Political Studies
Ji Chengyuan, Xiao Ma
Comparative Political Studies, 2024.
World Development
Ji Chengyuan, Junyan Jiang, Yujin Zhang
World Development, 2024.
Political Communication
Ji Chengyuan, Hanzhang Liu
Political Communication, 2022.
Political Research Quarterly
Ji Chengyuan, Junyan Jiang
Political Research Quarterly, 2020.
Publications in Chinese (中文发表)
- 季程远:《走出以邻为壑:破解边界合作治理困境的自主路径》,《复旦学报(社会科学版)》2024年第3期。(Out of Beggar-Thy-Neighbor: Independent Path for the Dilemma of Border Cooperation Governance)[PDF]
- 季程远,胡悦:《经济发展与纵向获得感——基于全球面板数据的分析》,《公共行政评论》2022年第2期。(Economic Development and Temporal Relative Acquisition: Evidence from A Global Dataset)[PDF]
- 季程远:《再分配改革与获得感:以免征农业税改革为例》,《经济社会体制比较》2021年第5期。(Redistribution Reform and Relative Acquisition: Taking the Rural Tax Reform as An Example)[PDF]
- 季程远,孟天广:《反腐败与政治信任:结构偏好与规模偏好的影响差异》,《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2020年第2期。(Anti-Corruption and Political Trust: Difference between Effect of Structural Preference and Scale Preference)[PDF]
- 王浦劬,季程远:《我国经济发展不平衡与社会稳定之间矛盾的化解机制分析 ——基于人民纵向获得感的诠释》,《政治学研究》2019年第1期。(Resolving Mechanism of the Contradiction between China’s Inequality and Social Stability: An Explanation Based on Relative Acquisition)[PDF]
- 王浦劬,季程远:《新时代国家治理的良政基准与善治标尺——人民获得感的意蕴和量度》,《中国行政管理》2018年第1期。(Relative Acquisition in Transitional Society: Measurement, Change and Comparison)[PDF]
- 邵梓捷 ,季程远(通讯作者):《政治传播中的认知框架效应分析——基于中国的一项调查实验》,《上海行政学院学报》2018年第1期。(Cognitive Framing Effect in Political Communication: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in China)[PDF]
- 王衡,季程远:《互联网、政治态度与非制度化政治参与——基于1953名网民样本的实证分析》,《经济社会体制比较》2017年第4期。(Internet, Political Attitude and Non-institutionalized Political Participation)[PDF]
- 季程远,王衡, 顾昕 :《中国网民的政治价值观与网络抗争行为的限度》,《社会》2016年第5期。(Political Value of Chinese Netizens and the Limitation of Online Protest)[PDF]
- 王浦劬,季程远:《论列举实验在敏感问题调查中的应用——以非制度化政治参与为验证》,《中国软科学》2016年第9期。(List Experiment in Measuring Sensitive Issue: Example from Non-institutionalized Political Participation)[PDF]
- 孟天广,季程远:《重访数字民主:互联网介入与网络政治参与——基于列举实验的发现》,《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2016年第4期。(The Era of Digital Democracy? Internet Involvement and Online Political Participation: Evidence from a List Experiment)[PDF]
- 江卓,季程远:《怎样测量腐败:国内外腐败测量方法述评》,《新视野》2016年第3期。(How to Measure Corruption: A Review)[PDF]
- 季程远,郎友兴:《微博政治参与的作用机制研究——基于对浙江大学学生的调查》,《中国治理评论》2014年第2期。(Weibo’s Role in Enabling Political Participation)[PDF]