
Chengyuan Ji

Associate Professor
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

About Me

Welcome! I’m Chengyuan Ji (季程远), an associate professor at the Department of Comparative Politics, School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

My research interests include political culture and political economy. My work has appeared in Comparative Political Studies, Political Communication, Political Research Quarterly, World Development and other Chinese journals. I received my Ph.D. in political science from Peking University. I am also a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University.

My Google Scholar page

欢迎来到我的个人网站!季程远,上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院比较政治系副教授,北京大学政治学博士。研究领域为政治文化和政治经济。论文发表见于《政治学研究》《中国行政管理》《复旦学报》《社会》《经济社会体制比较》《公共行政评论》Comparative Political Studies, Political Communication, Political Research Quarterly, World Development等刊物。



  1. Comparative Political Studies
    Ji Chengyuan, Xiao Ma
    Comparative Political Studies, 2024.

  2. World Development
    Ji Chengyuan, Junyan Jiang, Yujin Zhang
    World Development, 2024.

  3. Political Communication

  4. Political Research Quarterly

Publications in Chinese (中文发表)